Mother 3 - SeriousโReorchestration
A reorchestration of the Serious battle theme from Mother 3. It was originally composed by Shogo Sakai, and therefore all rights go to him, HAL Laboratory, Brownie Brown, Nintendo and Tokyo Itoi Shigesato Office.
The Mother/ Earthbound series has had a long history with breaking the mould when it comes to game soundtracks. Earthbound used musical sampling to great effect, with samples from Monty Python to The Beach Boys and of course, The Beatles. Mother 3, while unable to use sampling to such a great extent (thanks to the limitations of the GBA's memory and sound card), in my own humble opinion, still manages to hold its own. A perfect mix of quirkiness, originality and just plain old fun that all combine into an album's worth of tracks able to easily give you stuck song syndrome, very quickly.
(This track in particular I had never had any thought of covering until I listened to the OST a week ago. Long story short - here we are now; One, three, one-two-three, one-two-three-four, two-three...)
Visuals created by Garen J. Torikian's Earthbound Battle Background JS
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